Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chinese New Year

2nd blog of the day!

In the Chinese Quarter  
So after waking up super late and finally heading out, my flatmates and I decided to go grocery shopping. This turned out to be some what of a mistake on our part. So we did our research a few nights ago and decided that we wanted to visit Tang Fere, an Asian market in the 13ème arr of Paris. We decided to walk there because we do not have our Metro Passes yet, and well we like to walk. After all, some exercise is needed there is an excess of wine, bread and cheese.  A few blocks away from Tang, we noticed that the police were putting up barriers for what we thought was a protest. As we kept walking, the protest actually ended up being a Chinese New Years celebration with floats and the whole sha-bang. The streets were beyond full, walking was nearly impossible and Tang Fere was on the opposite side of us. In other words we had to cross the parade so that we could get to the grocery store. It ended up not being too bad though, the floats were moving at a snail pace and we were able to cross the street without getting yelled at or trampled by the floats. We finally got to the store but it was closed. Why you may ask? It is Sunday today! So a lot of everything is closed on  Sundays, something we did not expect. There are two facts that I gathered from this error, I am new to the city, there is a lot to learn and that here is so much to do in Paris. We were not expecting to run into a full street celebration, we just needed to go grocery shopping but we did something fun and exciting, oh and super cold.

After the chaos, we headed towards the flat. Well, more of we walked in the general direction. We realized we were unsure of where we were heading so we asked a French lady. She was actually very nice. She pulled put her little map and explained how to get back to the Rue d'alesia, all in French ;) not only did we understand everything but we were actually on the right path. So see, we are not totally lost in this city, we know what we are doing, kinda.

We concluded our day by stopping at a boulangerie that always has a line outside the door. I got a mozzarella and tomato sandwich and topped it off with  Flan. French flan however is very different from Mexican flan. This flan was not a flubbery (reference to the movie) and is more eggy and has a crust (yes indulging in the non vegan foods.) The flatmates and I got our food and came back to the room to enjoy our delicious food accompanied by Chocolate which was the cutes movie and I mean Mr. Depp is in it, so why not watch. 

Dominique Saibron: the Boulangerie 
French Flan
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