Friday, December 9, 2011

Un Peu

Today I woke up a bit nostalgic. I guess because it is the last day of classes at my university. That would be great right?! Well I know I know I maybe the one weird college kid that is not ready to leave. It is basically 'cause I just realized that I will not be  seeing many of my friends for a long time! especially because many of my friends will be going abroad the semester after me, AKA I will not get to seem them for an entire year! Snaps!
But hey Paris! I still cannot wait. There is sooo much I want to do and see! And well a lot to do! I think I need to stop spending my money so that I could just spend everything in Europe! Nice clothes, awesome food!
Right now my only problem is wether or not I'll get the scholarships that I applied for. Apparently many students receive it every year so there are high hopes that I will be one of them!

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