Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Alright! I am officially going to PARIS!! How amazing is that?! I still cannot believe its true. I literally feel as if something is going to go horribly wrong and I won't make it there. I'm thinking final destination sort of thing? Well that's just me being pessimistic but me in Paris for 6month minimum? WOAH! I did not buy a return ticket because I want to keep my options open. Maybe spend the entire summer there? Maybe fall in love with Europe and decide to stay there for a while? Maybe I'll just come back right after my program is over (I doubt it).

From today, there are 1month and 19 days! I will be leaving January 25th if everything goes as planned. the Catholic University will be my place of study, I have decided on that university over the Sorbonne. On Dec. 19th I have my appointment at the French Consulate in Chicago! I will be applying for my visa, I think that day will make everything more official.

Am I ready? I think so. I am super super pumped. However, I am more than a little nervous about the language aspect. I know a little French but by watching movies, I have realized that I am probably not very prepared. They speak so fast and I only catch about 1/4 of what is said. Also I am contemplating on my housing situation. I have the option of doing a home-stay or sharing an apartment with other Abroadco students. The positive about the family, well I mean I'll have the opportunity to interact with Parisians right off the bat and I know I will learn a lot of French. However, the apartment just sounds awesome! An apartment in Paris? It'll most likely be tiny and dirty but I think I can deal with that. I mean, I will be in one of the best cities in the world, to me, it sounds like a good trade off. As of now I am thinking Apartment. That way I can have guests, and come in as late as I want. Also, If I actually do an Au Pair over the summer, I will have the "family" aspect at that point. However, I am also taking into consideration that I can probs do laundry and have at least one meal at the house. I mean that will save a great deal of dinero.

Alright well, I hope to continue blogging. Taking this with me step by step as I transition over to Paris.

(Picture from the last time I was in Paris. Spring 2009)

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