Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sera Moi...A Paris

I am done done done with finals/this semester! Yes, I am that much closer to a semester in Paris.

 One really, sad note however, I did not get the scholarship I was hoping for (assholes) so now I have to rely on my mother's money and my savings for the most part. WAMP! It'll be fine though I'll survive.

Ok done with the sad stuff, I must remember, I am still going to PARIS!! Official countdown; 41 days left! 41! wow that crazy beyond belief. 

I know most of my posts have just been me blabbing on about how happy I am, but I promise, this blog will get better. I plan on blogging  about everything I do in Paris, yeah live vicariously through me. 

Packing list
- clothes 

Yeah, that's about all I have on the list as of now. I am actually beginning to freak out a bit about what I have to take. SHIT I have to pack for 6+months! I'm bad enough as it is for one week, I have a whole entire suitcase, imagine about 30 weeks. Wait, is it only 30 weeks ish? that does not sound right. It makes it seem like I don't have that much time over there. Ok maybe it its that? I just do not have the mental capacity for that right now, I just had 4 finals and a bunch of other stuff due.

This is how I feel about the finals I just took

And this is how I feel about going to Paris :D 
yep, all smiles! 

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