Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Got my passport back!! WOOO sounds like I'm going to Mexico and I did not ruin my family's vacation! Cheya. The ladies at the French consulate are really nice :D I'm going to get them a christmas present!


Today was my "interview" at the Chicago French Consulate. Everything went smoothly. I had all papers with me, I was done before my appointment was scheduled. Sounds all good right? Not so much. I was so happy that I would legally be able to enter Paris but I did not realize that my scheduling the appointment as soon as winter break began would lead to bad, horrible consequences. Turns out they keep your visa. Well, that I knew but, I did not put that aspect of the process with the fact that I am supposed to go to Mexico for the holidays. Yeah, that's right I'll be needing my passport to get back into my country of citizenship. Without that passport that is sitting in the French consulate, I cannot get back into the US of A. In other words, I think I just ruined my family's christmas vacation. I will be heading back to the French consulate to see what I can do to fix my fuck up.

 From what I read online, it seems as though they process the visa application the next day and then mail it out? Well that would be really nice. But they also say that you cannot pick up your passport from the consulate itself. Which, presents a problem, mi familia is supposed to leave for San Luis Potosi on Wednesday. AKA there may not be enough time? We are supposed to drive down to Mexico which eases the situation BUT, the possibility of not being able to going to Mexico makes me a bit nervous. My mother wanted to spend the holidays with everyone, her kids, siblings, and well all the 40+ family members (yes we are a typical huge Mexican family). 

I am waking up around super early tomorrow morning so that I can be at the place right when they open. I am not sure if I will be able to make it up to the 37th floor because, well you need an appointment. Which I obviously do not have because it was today. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

French Consulate

I have my visa appointment tomorrow (11:10am!) I've gathered all the papers, and have them all in my little blue folder, that is already pack in my purse so that I don't end up forgetting it at home. Getting all the paperwork is a p.r.o.c.e.s.s! I am about sure it took me about 1 hour. I really really hope I have everything prepared. I've checked about 3 times already and it seems as though everything is set and prepared. However, I am a bit nervous because I do not have a return flight. I hear that may be a problem. I tried calling but apparently they are closed on Saturdays. I hope there is not much problem, I'll just have to explain that well, I am not sure how long my stay in Paris will end up being. I have to see if I can take classes over there and how much they will cost. Also it all depends on how much money I still have at that point.

I now realize that I indeed will greatly miss my family and friends. I had a really good conversation with my mom, and well she wants me to call her about every week. Not sure how that will work but I want to stay in contact with her. I will be away for about 6 months. For me, that time seems reasonable. I want to get away, I want learn about other cultures and traditions, I want to see all the beautiful and unknown cities that seem so far away. I am completely ready for a change, a new breath of air. My mom is a bit worried about me going to a completely different country, but she know that I will do fine. I've been preparing for this moment ever since I was 14. At that age I was ready to live away from home, so I decided to go to boarding school. I think of myself as a very independent person.  I feel like living in another country will be a good change and I am not worried what so ever. Well, actually that is a lie. My french is not great, I am learning. And I mean that is why you study abroad right? So you can become fluent and learn from the people themselves.

Tomorrow, I will update on how everything went at the consulate.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sera Moi...A Paris

I am done done done with finals/this semester! Yes, I am that much closer to a semester in Paris.

 One really, sad note however, I did not get the scholarship I was hoping for (assholes) so now I have to rely on my mother's money and my savings for the most part. WAMP! It'll be fine though I'll survive.

Ok done with the sad stuff, I must remember, I am still going to PARIS!! Official countdown; 41 days left! 41! wow that crazy beyond belief. 

I know most of my posts have just been me blabbing on about how happy I am, but I promise, this blog will get better. I plan on blogging  about everything I do in Paris, yeah live vicariously through me. 

Packing list
- clothes 

Yeah, that's about all I have on the list as of now. I am actually beginning to freak out a bit about what I have to take. SHIT I have to pack for 6+months! I'm bad enough as it is for one week, I have a whole entire suitcase, imagine about 30 weeks. Wait, is it only 30 weeks ish? that does not sound right. It makes it seem like I don't have that much time over there. Ok maybe it its that? I just do not have the mental capacity for that right now, I just had 4 finals and a bunch of other stuff due.

This is how I feel about the finals I just took

And this is how I feel about going to Paris :D 
yep, all smiles! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

Un Peu

Today I woke up a bit nostalgic. I guess because it is the last day of classes at my university. That would be great right?! Well I know I know I maybe the one weird college kid that is not ready to leave. It is basically 'cause I just realized that I will not be  seeing many of my friends for a long time! especially because many of my friends will be going abroad the semester after me, AKA I will not get to seem them for an entire year! Snaps!
But hey Paris! I still cannot wait. There is sooo much I want to do and see! And well a lot to do! I think I need to stop spending my money so that I could just spend everything in Europe! Nice clothes, awesome food!
Right now my only problem is wether or not I'll get the scholarships that I applied for. Apparently many students receive it every year so there are high hopes that I will be one of them!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Alright! I am officially going to PARIS!! How amazing is that?! I still cannot believe its true. I literally feel as if something is going to go horribly wrong and I won't make it there. I'm thinking final destination sort of thing? Well that's just me being pessimistic but me in Paris for 6month minimum? WOAH! I did not buy a return ticket because I want to keep my options open. Maybe spend the entire summer there? Maybe fall in love with Europe and decide to stay there for a while? Maybe I'll just come back right after my program is over (I doubt it).

From today, there are 1month and 19 days! I will be leaving January 25th if everything goes as planned. the Catholic University will be my place of study, I have decided on that university over the Sorbonne. On Dec. 19th I have my appointment at the French Consulate in Chicago! I will be applying for my visa, I think that day will make everything more official.

Am I ready? I think so. I am super super pumped. However, I am more than a little nervous about the language aspect. I know a little French but by watching movies, I have realized that I am probably not very prepared. They speak so fast and I only catch about 1/4 of what is said. Also I am contemplating on my housing situation. I have the option of doing a home-stay or sharing an apartment with other Abroadco students. The positive about the family, well I mean I'll have the opportunity to interact with Parisians right off the bat and I know I will learn a lot of French. However, the apartment just sounds awesome! An apartment in Paris? It'll most likely be tiny and dirty but I think I can deal with that. I mean, I will be in one of the best cities in the world, to me, it sounds like a good trade off. As of now I am thinking Apartment. That way I can have guests, and come in as late as I want. Also, If I actually do an Au Pair over the summer, I will have the "family" aspect at that point. However, I am also taking into consideration that I can probs do laundry and have at least one meal at the house. I mean that will save a great deal of dinero.

Alright well, I hope to continue blogging. Taking this with me step by step as I transition over to Paris.

(Picture from the last time I was in Paris. Spring 2009)