Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paris, Je t'aime

Basically, it finally sunk in last night that I am living in Paris. There have been those little moments where I am walking down the street I turn to the left and BAM there is the Eiffel Tower, and that's when I do feel like I am à Paris. Other than that, I do not realize I am in Paris partially because I speak a lot of English, school hasn't started and its been too cold to really go on day long exploration sessions. But last night, I watch Midnight in Paris for the first time (awesome movie by the way, Woody Allen is totally awesome.) It finally hit me: hey wait a minute I can walk outside and head straight to those place! I know this is beyond cheesy, but I honestly had dreamed about this all my life. And when I say all my life I'm not exaggerating. Before coming to Paris I was cleaning out my room and I found a "portfolio" of 6th grade writing class. The assignment was to research and write about the one place in the world where you wanted to visit, I obviously wrote about Paris. 12 year old Elvialuz wrote all about the Louvre, the food, and the Eiffel Tower and now I've actually seen all of that and can go there or eat any of that whenever I please.

McDonald's Coffee 
Ok, done with the corny moments. So now to the interesting stuff like bars and what not. Back in the states everyone was watching the superbowl around 4 (?) I was "watching" the Giants win around  4:30 am. Yep, that's right, I was at a Canadian bar called The Moose from 11pm-4:30am ish for the super bowl. Obviously, I do not care much about football but I was going there for the crazy people yelling and the excitement. While, I was pretending to watch the game, I managed to somehow spend about 50 euro but also met some cool people and ended up having a great time. After the game was over, Natalie, Emily, Charlotte, and I decided to start walking back home since there was about only 30min before the metro started. Cabs can be kind of expensive and I mean we all bought Navigos so it only made sense to walk around Paris for half hour. By the time the clock struck 5am, we were already home. Apparently my very American roommates were hungry and were craving McD's and guess what! I bought something there. Granted I only had a coffee but I still felt so weird supporting McDonalds. Oh and yes, my shoes were really bothering me so I ended up walking a barefoot (I had tights on) in Paris, mind you its really really cold here. But I guess I have some sort of super powers and can't feel the cold. I think its that whole beer blanket sort of thing.

Huge Bowl of Noodles I demolished 
Best Dessert EVER
Ok, so I decided that I basically love my roommates and I am super glad that I did not get stuck with weridos (ok no my flatmates are pretty weird but I guess I deal :P ) Yesterday was an awesome day with all of the. We woke up late as usual and finally headed to out the apartment around like 2/3. Well, let me tell you I had the best Vietnams food ever! We were in the Chinese hood and stopped by Pho 14. I had this huge bowl of noodles and managed to down everything, so good. Meg met us up there and we went to Tang Fere for our weekly grocery shopping. Once there, we went crazy and picked up everything that we could get our hands on. The fruit and the veggies all looked so fresh and even exotic. There was a "tropical avocado" that was about the size of my head and strange spiky red fruit. But, what was the most shocking to us was that after our two baskets full of food that we collected, we each only ended up pay 10euro at the register. Basically, Tang Fere is my new favorite market ever! After dancing on the train and being super hyper we got back home ate some candies and coconut balls we bought and watched Midnight in Paris. After the movie, I think we felt inspired so Adrianne, Megan, and I went to a café to end up having the best chocolate dessert of our lives.

A few things I've noticed: there is a mass amount of fur coats, movie theaters are in two parts (meanings there are two buildings on opposite sides of the street, each playing different movies), Parisians love jaywalking, and people here are not scared (like back home) of going to a café and just sitting there for ours by themselves.

Alright, so I am down for today as I need to get out of bed and get ready to go to my school to ask a few questions and then go to Shakespeare and Company, the Notre Dame, and Latin Quarters.

     Ok so this is random, but how cute is that, 
                a Hello Kitty vespa! I want this one.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are enjoying it. And it's great that I get to read your crazy adventures! btw I love the Hello Kitty vespa! probs will be your b-day gift lol
