Thursday, November 22, 2012

What am I thankful for?

Before the family begins eating, as tradition indicates, we will go around the table and reveal what we are thankful for. I have always said family,  friends,  school, the  usual. However, this time around I am thankful for the experience of a life time. My semester abroad was truly amazing. I hear many negative reviews about the city; people are rude and it is crowded however, I love Paris. I am not sure if it is the actual city or the fact that I had great roommates and had my own apartment. Whatever the motive I think living in Paris has really impacted me and helped me realized who I am and what I enjoy. I like sitting on a metro and reading a newspaper in a foreign language, I like getting totally lost and having to figure out where how to get back home, I like meeting new people that are not scared of revealing their opinions, and most of all I like the feeling of independence. While abroad, I could only depend on myself. There was not a person that I could call and ask for money when I ran out. I even had to think twice before telling someone I was "excited" I did not want to give them the wrong impression.

Now I must reflect on everything that I learned, graduate, and move out. I may not return to Paris but I know that I will eventually end up in Europe. All in all, living all the way across the ocean helped me realize that we are our own limitation. There is so much around the world to explore and learn that there is no reason to stay in one spot. Actually going overseas opened up so many possibilities. And this is what I am thankful for, an eye opening experience. 

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