Monday, July 23, 2012

I Am Back Chchchch-icago. It has now been 24 days since I have returned to the mother land. However, I MISS PARIS oh so much. I never thought that I would be sad to be in Chicago. It used to be a joy when I returned to the city after being in Ohio but now, I hate it here. Okay I don't hate it hate it, its just that is is not Paris and I keep comparing. The city isn't as pretty..its dirty, full of crime, not kept well, and transportation SUCKS. I now have to depend on rides again, I never thought I would miss the Paris Métro, even the RER. Now that I am back is when I am noticing all the differences between the two cities.

Basically I miss having an apartment where I can go and return as I please, I miss my roommies, and I miss exploring/finding new things everyday. I even miss slaughtering French. I came back and bam culture shock, when I speak, everyone understands me! Oh my!

Yes I missed my family and Friends while in Paris but why can't they all just go over to the city if lights with me? I am actually bummed because I wanted to stay in Paris the entire summer, I was even considering a whole semester. But somehow I got sucked in by my mother and returned with her after she visited.

On that subject, having my mother in Paris was pretty awesome. She was impressed with my French and by how well I knew how to get around the city. I felt quite proud. I finally went up the Eiffel Tower and got to be a tourist again. It was fun and not to mention that I did not have to pay for meals or random thing that were bought. I guess that is one thing I will not miss from Europe, expenses (a lot, and high). After Paris, mom and I did Rome. We did the Roman attractions, the Trevy Fountain and the Vatican City. The trip was truly amazing! Except for the heat but hey I had some great Pizza!

Now that I am back, I need to find someone to practice my French with. I know that once school starts I will have classes in which I will speak some French but that is not enough. For now I have been watching French movies. Also I give  random French lessons to my friends whom props don't really care/pay attention but that's how I practice. OH!  I am proud to say that I think in French!  Thinking in French was a must in Paris, this way I could reply quickly or ask questions without having to translate between English/Spanish/French. Now i think it became a habit. I walked into the YMCA today and I was at the desk to hand in my card to be scanned and I almost said "bonjour." See I can speak French ;)

One thing I must remember I am Mexican/American not French, get over it Elvialuz.

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