Monday, April 2, 2012

Update: 2 months

So really, I am über lazy. Blogging takes thinking and time....I mean I am not doing all that much with my life but still. You guys know me, I am lazy and would rather just lay in my bed (what I am doing now cause of Sunday Funday) or go out  and party. But I really really want to keep a blog and I think its so supér cool that people actually read this thing. Shout out to anyone that is reading this!!! HAAAAY!

Ok, so I have been over two months. And I already feel like I going to have to go home in like 2 weeks. I'm actually pretty depressed about this. I love everyone back home but I hate school and the States and I would much rather just travel and be a bum. Don't worry, I am going to finish school. Just not super happy about it...okay sorry if I am boring you I kinda just went on a rant yeah?

What have I been doing? Hmmm good question. Let's see:

- I have been going to class (typically not on Mondays because of the above reference, although I went today.) School is much more chill here. I meo an its language classes and even those back home are pretty chill. And its different because here there are 59 year olds in your class and everyone is treated as an adult and not a little kid. Like in the states where teachers baby us and its all about grades. Here it's about getting the most out of class and actually learning. GPA do not really matter (well for me yes because I want the credits to transfer for a major) and you go to class because you want to learn, not because you need to pass the frekin class so that it actually counts towards your major. Ugh, see this is why I don't want to go back, but you gotta do what you gotta do right?

-I dyed my hair purple. Right now its kinda reddish now. Purple faded a bit...I think

-I found another babysitting job! The previous one was too far. I took it because I need the money so I can go shopping. But it was way out of my way. Getting there and back took close to two hours and I mean I usually babysat for one hour and a half to two hours. So not worth all the travel. Now where I am going to work is about 20mins from me! Woot! However this one is more intense. I will be babysitting but really I am teaching a 4 year old English. Thats cool huh? A lot of responsibility, so I am not sure if I am going to be able to handle this. But I already committed and today will be my first day. I think I am already regretting my decision. But hey, I'll have a lot of new clothes

- Guess what!!! Spring Break is only 2 weeks away!!! WHAT UPPP!!!! so happy. I don't remember if I already wrote about this but I will be going to Tangier, Amsterdam, London, Munich, and possibly south of France. I need to get to Barcelona, Greece (too expensive), Venice, and well probs Madrid.

- Language is improving! I still sound terrible but I feel a bit more confident.

- So I've been to a picnic at the Eiffel Tower and at the Luxembourg Gardens

- I haven't been to too many bars or clubs. Super disappointing but I have been lazy and broke.However, St Pattys was pretty sweet. Went to an Irish pub in the Latin Quarter. Everyone was prancing around in green and with these top hats that say happy St. Patty's day. We met some people. Okay this one English guy was ridiculous. He had a twisted handlebar mustache and was pretty funny. He looked like this classy guy, then he was spotted making out hardcore with some girl. Totally a throw off. Also apparently French people think one night stands are like sooooo dumb. I am not saying they are good or bad but wait, are the French being more conservative than the US? Maybe it was just this one guy? I shall do some research.

- OMG, went to a wine expo! THE best. I went two days. Both were amazing. Megan, my flatmate, and I ended up buying 7 bottles. Wooppss. But I mean when am I going to be drinking good wine again? We literally buy the cheapest wine possible. So really I am just becoming more classy.

what else what else....

-Oh yeah celling in the kitchen collapsed. We came home one night and a huge chunk of celling was on the floor. No big right? Wrong. There was mold and plaster alllll over the kitchen and the food (noooooooo).

Ok so there are sooo many things that happen that its actually really hard to write about. I actually write stuff down in my phone when it happens so I could remember. It kidna sucks because I want to be able to remember everything from studying abroad but it seems like I have already forgotten.

Ok went to a Mexican restuarant. The guys that own the place are from Aguscalients. It was super cool to finally eat some spicy Mexican food. I was talking to a few Mexican customers that were there. They were pretty cool. Some where studying some where working. Later I left and then realized "damn I'm dumb, I should have like asked for the number or something." It's always nice to be able to meet Mexicans in Paris, there aren't many here.

Things I have noticed on the Metro

  1. When someone jumps on the train and makes it in just before the door closes is the happiest moment of the day. In paris the doors just close. Sometimes on you. Parisians are always in a rush so it is imperative to make it on the metro right at that moment. 
  2. The people that play at the metro, apparently they need to audition to play. So basically we get the best of the best here in Paris. Ok, I don't know how accurate this is because someone told me about this and well who knows. 
  3. Americans are easy to spot. First of all, they (haha I think I just disassociated myself from america) are super loud. Like ummm you can hear the convo miles away, Parisians are not as loud. Um men wear shorts. I think that is a no no here. Obvi not cool. Also umm why are you wearing sweats. The only people that do that here are...well actually the Middle Eastern men. Not being racist or anything, just simple observations. 
  4. Everyone reads. If you are on the metro you better have a book or grab the journal right before you hop on. If you don't you are forced to make eye contact with your neighbor, and I mean that is the worst thing for the Parisians. Oh mind you, they will look at you up and down and totally judge your clothes with no shame, but looking you in the eye or smiling torture. However, I have adapted, I have become a huge fan of sudoku.

Last comments:
ummm, ummm, weather is nice. ok ok, I am talking about the weather I think I have nothing to say. 
"how about them bears?" 

ok tootles. ps, not gonna edit this post. so if i misspelled something too bad. 

I'll put pictures, just cause I mean you can't post a blog and not put pictures right?

Mexican Flag in Paris!! 

The Kitchen 

Sweet Moroccan Restaurant.

Me and my Burrito 

Oh yeah, finally made it to pere lachaise. You know were oscar wilde and Jim Morrison were put in tombs. Quick story, the creepiest thing on Earth. I don't know how I feel about how much people obsess over someone they do not even know. Like really, this person is dead and you are taking pictures of their grave. IDK I think its a weird concept.
Photo cred: Natalie

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